Rhetoric: For Good and For Evil (12/6)

In the simplest definition possible, rhetoric can be defined as a communication skill that aims to persuade an audience using various techniques such as figurative language. It’s an ancient technique that is strongly associated with The Classical Period and philosophers like Aspasia of Miletus, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle. As briefly discussed in my blog postContinue reading “Rhetoric: For Good and For Evil (12/6)”

The Methods and Motivations of My Research (11/29)

Over the years, my relationship with research has changed dramatically, as I’ve grown in ways that I never anticipated through my journey with education. During my childhood and teenage years, research papers were without question my least favorite assignments. No matter the topic, the word “research” always entailed a great deal of scouring the internetContinue reading “The Methods and Motivations of My Research (11/29)”

The Fine Line Between Objective and Subjective Communication Theory (11/22)

There is certainly a “right” and “wrong” way for people to communicate with each other that benefits everyone fairly. In a previous post I discussed the concrete foundation of morality, along with its minor variations that are based on culture and upbringing. When analyzing communication theory, similar factors must be considered, as the broad natureContinue reading “The Fine Line Between Objective and Subjective Communication Theory (11/22)”

The Addictive And Always Accessible Means for Instant Gratification (11/15)

Whenever I reflect on how technology and media have been evolving over the last few decades, I often find myself thinking about how I was born at a very transformative time for the history of communication. Google was introduced into the world two years before I was, and the internet and mass media only continuedContinue reading “The Addictive And Always Accessible Means for Instant Gratification (11/15)”

The Deceit of Professional Communication (11/8)

At some point, every person will eventually find themselves in a job interview. It’s a necessary practice in order for an employer to have direct communication with a potential employee to determine whether or not the person is fit for the position. Fluent organizational communication is an essential skill when applying for a job, asContinue reading “The Deceit of Professional Communication (11/8)”

The Group Project – A Student’s Nightmare (11/1)

Never in my life have I met a single student who experiences any positive emotion when a professor informs the class of an upcoming group assignment. I would go as far as to say that group projects are ubiquitously the most hated assignments, especially by students who work hard and achieve high grades. It’s oftenContinue reading “The Group Project – A Student’s Nightmare (11/1)”

Morality: How Culture and Communication Intersect (10/25)

Morality is a concept that is extremely integral to an advanced intelligent society. It’s often defined by the classification of what is “right” versus what is “wrong” and how it ties to a person’s character. Flawed morality is frowned upon, as immoral practices tend to negatively affect the lives of others, while benefiting only theContinue reading “Morality: How Culture and Communication Intersect (10/25)”

The Wall of Small Talk (10/4)

Meeting new people can be exciting, and/or anxiety inducing. Depending on where one falls on the introvert and extrovert spectrum (and yes it is far from black and white), socializing with others has a complete range of difficulty and complexity. For some, exchanging information with others comes naturally; extroverts are energized by social interaction. ForContinue reading “The Wall of Small Talk (10/4)”

The Power of The Human Face (9/27)

Human faces are one of the most recognizable images for the human brain. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to find a face? A random collection of shapes on an inanimate object may cause a human to personify it if they’re able to recognize a vague pattern that resembles a face. In someContinue reading “The Power of The Human Face (9/27)”

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